Pokemon GO: collect pokemons by moving in real time environment! Check out all latest updates on this game and our review on it.

Gamers know the fun while playing video games. Anyone who regularly games must be knowing the fun and the experience that comes along. Many driving games have taught and given confidence to the players at driving on the road. Every year there are many games added to the list of games.


Some of them tend to gain more traction than the other games. Pokemon GO is one of the famous games that has been on the trends these days. With the game available on the play stores of several phones, it is easy for any individual to download and play the game. 

What were the reviews about the game?

The game is available on the play stores of iOS, Microsoft, and other devices for easy download and play. Since its release in 2016, the game has been added on to every year with new features that have made the game more fun and easier to play than the previous version of it.


With a mixed review about the game, it has gained both recognition and criticism from the players. While the governments of various countries have called it a means of encouraging disturbance in the country by threatening their security, some have called it a game that deserves a lot more.


With billions of dollars gained from the game by 2019 and various reviews and downloads made, the game has been capable of winning over the hearts of people. The game has a map feature that makes it easy to navigate within the game and find places easier. The changes that have been introduced to the game since its release have brought a skeptical view of the game by the gamers who play the game. Many dollars earned by the game, it has maintained that reputation over the years.