The Japanese anime manga series One Piece premiered on Fuji Television on 20th October 1999 and completed its 20 years prosperous journey to say on 20th October 2019. It is one of the most popular anime series running today with about 20 Seasons.
Based on Eiichiro Oda’s graphic novel with the same name, the animated series has aired more than 900 successful episodes. The production company of the One Piece, Toei Animation, decided to celebrate the occasion with a brand new film, “One Piece: Stampede,” but the fans are yet to celebrate the 20th birthday of the show. People from all around the globe are sending their hearty wishes to the show.
The story of the One Piece revolves around a boy, Monkey D. Luffy, whose body gained the properties of rubber when he eats the devil fruit by mistake. Various seasons of One Piece portrays the adventures of Luffy with his crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates. They are in search of the world’s ultimate treasure known as ‘One Piece,’ which is needed to fulfill his dream to become the next Pirate King.
One Piece anime was listed as the most popular animated series of the year 2016 and was placed at 14th rank as the most popular TV show in the world for the same year. Moreover, with various memorable arcs throughout its 20 years-long journey, the show has been a big hit and success.