NFL Player Kyle Queiro Has Been Called Out As Fatphobic On Twitter After He Called Jill Scott Ugly! Check out for all updates.

NFL player Kyle Queiro he landed in some major controversy after he tried to take a dig at another celeb and made some negative comments about her as well. This was not taken well by fans and the sportsman was bashed by people on the Internet. Let us take a look at what the whole controversy is all about!

Kyle Queiro Tried To Throw Some Shade On Jill Scott! Here’s What We Know.

Apparently, Kyle Queiro made a rather irksome tweet about Jill Scott saying he is actually baffled about the fact that people are actually finding her attractive. He went on to say that she is as a matter of fact ugly. While the tweet is deleted, it did manage to get the attention of fans and in no time the NFL player was called out for being judgemental and fatphobic!


In no time Twitter was filled with comments that called out Kyle for his superficial remarks and fans collectively agreed that Jilly from Philly is fine as hell! Take a look at the apology tweet that Kyle quickly posted to clear the air about his initial tweet.

The NFL Player Quickly Apologized For His Tweet And Deleted It!

Fans went on to defend Jill and said that she is actually pretty attractive and it is not just some energy thing. One fan even said that Kyle should just confess that he likes white women and leave!

However, Kyle quickly went on to post an apology saying that he did not mean to hurt any sentiments and that his statement was poorly worded. He apologized for his insensitive remarks and deleted the initial tweet to avoid more hatred from fans.