Netflix “Haunted’ is ready to haunt your night with Season 2, but, Is the Horror Show Real, or Fake? Curiosity answered on Twitter. Checkout for more details..

Netflix is well-known as well as a popular platform among people across the world to produce original series. Just like other shows, Netflix launched an ultimate scary show, “Haunted.” The first season with ten episodes of Haunted was launched in October 2018, and the season is launched on this 11 October.

I can estimate your excitement and wait for season two, which many of you were having. Each episode carries an experience with a real person who is telling his/her stories to others (sometimes with ghosts, aliens, demons, and a serial killer). But I know what you are wondering. Is this real or fake? Am I right? Yes, I know this is what many of you are wondering.

Is the Show Haunted has a real story or a fake one?

At the beginning of every episode, you’ll see the disclaimer, which contains “the following is a true story.” But, can we trust it. As the first episode of Season 1, “The Slaughterhouse” uncovered a serial killer, but police didn’t get any finding of that.

Watchers pointed out that if a grown woman has found her father is a serial killer, why she let her young son go and hang out with him. And, then later on, when her son grown up, he only destroys evidence for the guy.

Many viewers even tried researching on various platforms like Google, YouTube, newspapers, etc. about this case, but nothing has come up. Does that storyteller haven’t shared their story outside the show?

What Brett-Patrick Jenkins said on viewers’ comments?

When almost all the watchers were poking on the show for being unreal, the executive producer Brett-Patrick Jenkins took charge and replied, all of them. He said that all the stories and people involved in this show are 100% real. He tweeted that thousands of people have contacted me for the Haunted on Netflix, and all of them are real.

Everyone has their stories in their lives, and it is just not mandatory to have the happiest ending always. Also, it’s not about to tell someone what all things you’ve experienced, but also finding someone to listen.

Though the viewers are still not convinced that it is real, the fact is that the show has moved to a second season, which shows that the show has broken all the boundaries of success among all the horror shows.