Marvel Superheroes Surprises Bridger Walker And Applauds His Act Of Bravery!

It seems like the Avengers heroes recently applauded the bravery of a real-life young hero who saved his sister from a life-threatening attack.

Marvel Superstars Have Responded To The Brave Little Boy’s Act Of Bravery! Have a Look.

Recently, Captain America star Chris Evans has applauded the six-year-old Bridger Walker’s be a very and two other Marvel stars have also appreciated the whole thing as an act of bravery.

Six year old Bridger Walker saved his sister from a vicious dog attack and in that process got injured while tackling the dog. This led to several attacks on his face and head and the poor little boy had to go through ninety stitches! Soon, Walker’s aunt shared the story on social media and asked some of her favorite actors to take a look at the story. Take a look at the adorable video of the young boy gushing as he gets to see his favorite superheroes!

Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, and Tom Holland Applauded The Little One’s Bravery And How They All Are Proud Of Him!

Robert Downey Jr. had a conversation with the grace little brother and said that he can call Robert Downey on his next birthday ad he definitely has something special for Bridger.

While Chris Evans was the first one to.respond and he even offered to give the boy his shield! Moreover, now Robert Downey Jr. has also appreciated the little boy and so did Spiderman Tom Holland. Holland spoke to Bridger via a video call and said that they all are proud of him. He even offered him to come by the shooting sets of Spiderman 3 as well. Actress Anne Hathaway has also applauded the little boy.