Kamala Harris calls calls the Jussie Smollett incident a modern day lynching. Check out for more details.

Kamala Harris, the lady who is proving that ladies have no limits to success is a celebrated personality. Her career has been skyrocketed and the recent achievement when she was chosen as the vice president by the presidential election candidate, Joe Biden.


She has proved her skills at this stage where she is the legal advisor to Joe. Not only professionally, she has proved her skills at a personal level when she tweeted about Jussie Smollett who played a victim card act and was seen gaining sympathy from people over him being discriminated by the public for his sexuality. The event that took place in 2019 was known by Harris to have been a planned event that was enacted to gain the limelight. 


What has been the recent news about that incident?

Jussie was called out for being cyberbullied and was teased for his sexuality by others. This was something that was known by Harris who was only waiting for the right time to bring the topic up and exposed the act being a swell-staged act by the individual who had planned that all. As said by Harris, the event that took place was a hoax and that it had to be exposed to what was done.


A modern-day lynching, when the public would have known the issues that Smollett had gone through, for the same he had performed the entire chain of events and that did not turn out to be as effective as was planned. Harris in a tweet wrote that she had her sympathy for Smollett for having experienced the fate that must not exist in the status quo which was not more than a way to bring him in the eyes of others.