Jessica Alba’s Mantra on post-baby body trolls: “My life and My body”!! Checkout how she embraces Motherhood!!

Popular stars cum parents have spoken out about the issue of body image in the past. But Jessica Alba’s comment about her post-baby body is winning the internet. It is straightforward honest besides promoting body positivity-in a good way.

Alba, an actress, and creator of the Honest Company, recently wrote an essay for InStyle Monday. She talked about her journey to body positivity. She tracked her journey across the age of 26, 32, and posted having children as well.

Interestingly, Alba said her confidence grew gradually with each cover, even when her first shoot captured her “skinniest” self.

Jessica Journey through the years

Jessica Alba wrote about her first InStyle cover shoot, taken at the age of 26. She said that she was trying to figure out “how to be in the public eye” besides having the ownership of her self.

During her second shoot (when she was 32), the star said that for the first time in her life she is starting embracing her “Womanhood.”

As for the third cover,  the working mama was balancing family life and a growing brand. This meant that not much time was left to prepare for the shoot.

But the best part of this? She doesn’t care.

Further, she explained how, if she had been younger, she would be “obsessed with dieting and exercising.” Instead, she told herself that this is “my life and my body.”

If we look back on her journey, the star feels she’s got better with age and self-love.

Jessica Alba is clearly poking holes in the old belief that women should loathe their postpartum bodies. She is taking control of the subject through her savage honesty.

She is married to Cash Warren, son of actor Michael Warren. Together, they have two daughters, Honor and Haven and a son, Hayes. Alba was raised as a Catholic during her teenage years. She left the church because she felt judged by her appearance.