It seems the Hollywood Oscars agency will turn vegan real soon after Joaquin Phoenix convinced them to do so. Read to know the full story.

Joaquin Phoenix purportedly persuaded his Hollywood organization to go vegan for its pre-Oscars party.

The 45-year-old entertainer has apparently persuaded WME to surrender meat for its ritzy slam, which was arranged in Beverly Hills on Friday when any semblance of Leo DiCaprio, Jason Momoa and Miley Cyrus went to the gathering.

Joaquin additionally went to the marvellous slam close by his mom Arlyn Phoenix and life partner Rooney Mara, and the acclaimed on-screen character was seen tucking into vegan meatballs, as indicated by the New York Post paper’s Page Six section.


The ‘Joker’ star is a frank supporter for veggie lover nourishment and even voiced his help for “plant-based” abstains from food during his discourse at the Golden Globes in January.

Joaquin Phoenix proceeded with his award season tidy up by winning best actor at the Oscars 2020. While that was practically expected, what wasn’t was Joaquin’s confounding discourse about the dairy business referencing bovine insemination.

The 45-year-old on-screen character graced the phase at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles to acknowledge his honour for best on-screen character for his exhibition in Joker.

Yet rather than expressing gratitude toward the give and group a role as is regular of grant victors, Joaquin utilized his foundation to battle against ‘bad form’, much as he did at the Baftas a weekend ago.

Joaquin has been a vegan lover since the age of three and is an individual from Peta and In Defense of Animals. Reviewing what enlivened him to change his eating regimen so youthful, Joaquin told Collider in 2018:

‘Really it was seeing these fish being killed when I was on a boat as a kid. ‘I guess to stun them they were throwing them against the side of the boat. I just had a profound strong reaction. It felt like a real injustice… My mum was pregnant with her.

‘We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and steal her baby, even though her cries of anguish are unmistakable,’ Joaquin told the star-studded audience last night.

‘Then we take her milk that’s intended for her calf and we put it in our coffee and our cereal.’


Later that year in June, Joaquin led a funeral procession on National Animal Rights Day alongside his girlfriend, actress Rooney Mara. The couple dressed in black and wore t-shirts that said: ‘Our Planet. Theirs Too.’