It seems Bill Cosby didn’t like Eddie Murphy’s ‘SNL’ jab.

“DIDN’T APPRECIATE YOUR ‘SNL’ JAB …You ‘Hollywood Slave!!!” was the statement made by Bill Cosby’s rep, Andrew Wyatt. It was a brutal comment and an insult indeed. It is a shame for Andrew and he should probably make apologies for the same. Eddie Murphy, an actor and a comedian was last seen in 1984. Then he made his comeback in 2017, which was a huge sensation from the viewers because it reached a more than 10 million viewers. This was a indeed an epic episode.

Eddie is a host in the “Saturday Night Live” show. During his last show, he cracked a joke, which turned into blizzard. He just made a joke at Bills Cosby’s expense. But Cosby did not appreciate it even a little bit. He did not even take it as a joke at all, he rather took it as an offence. He later took it to the social media to insult the actor with horrible comment to it, which was actually humiliating.

Eddie has received an award which broke all the barriers of blacks not getting any chances. It proved how there was no difference and how everyone is same, irrespective of colour, race and everything. But Cosby took this joke as a chance to insult Eddie. He even said that it was not a good thing for Eddie to jab on him through the “Saturday Night Live” show. So regarding that, he posted how he earned everything including an award even though he was black. Bill also said it was all nothing because he still and will always be a slave for the country and Hollywood as well.

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Bill Cosby’s Publicist, Andrew Wyatt, responds to Eddie Murphy’s SNL Monologue: “Mr. Cosby became the first Black to win an Emmy for his role in I Spy and Mr. Cosby broke color barriers in the Entertainment Industry, so that Blacks like Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappell, Kevin Hart and et al., could have an opportunity to showcase their talents for many generations to come. It is sad that Mr. Murphy would take this glorious moment of returning to SNL and make disparaging remarks against Mr. Cosby. One would think that Mr. Murphy was given his freedom to leave the plantation, so that he could make his own decisions; but he decided to sell himself back to being a Hollywood Slave. Stepin Fetchit plus cooning equals the destruction of Black Men in Hollywood. Remember, Mr. Murphy, that Bill Cosby became legendary because he used comedy to humanize all races, religions and genders; but your attacking Mr. Cosby helps you embark on just becoming click bait. Hopefully, you will be amenable to having a meeting of the minds conversation, in order to discuss how we can use our collective platforms to enhance Black people rather than bringing all of us down together.” #NotFunnySNL #SNL #FarFromFinished #FreeBillCosby #BillCosby

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This comment is not even tolerable and is pretty insulting and hurtful for Eddie or for anyone else whatsoever. This was definitely not the way to post or comment on a person or their life. Even if Eddie made a joke, this is not the way to talk and make someone understand a point. It is a downright insult to call someone a slave of Hollywood. It doesn’t matter if the person is black or not. It’s a moral quality to see everyone as equals and treat them the same.