Is Mindhunter season 3 worth all the hype? Here’s why you should be excited for the upcoming season. Read to know all the details.

Can we expect a mindhunter season 3? Well there’s no sure answer for this. But there are things that indicate a possible season 3. So we should give our hopes yet.

Mindhunter is one of the best American crime thriller series on Netflix. It’s based on true stories and characters with incredible acting by the cast members. It already has 2 successful seasons broadcasted on Netflix.

Is season 3 happening
Mindhunter director David Fincher has put the series on an indefinite hold for him to work on other projects. Completing his feature film Mank and working on the animated series of Love,Death and Robots are on his priority list right now. The main cast is also relieved from their duties allowing them to look for work in other films. This does indicate that we won’t be seeing season 3 anytime soon.

However we shouldn’t lose hope as it does not indicate that there will be no season 3 at all.

There is still hope as a spokesperson for Netflix told Entertainment Weekly: “He [Fincher] may revisit Mindhunter again in the future, but in the meantime felt it wasn’t fair to the actors to hold them from seeking other work while he was exploring new work of his own.”
Earlier David Fincher had said that he has 5 seasons plotted for Mindhunter(via The Hollywood Reporter) but there are indications of this idea to move forward.

When will Production start

As I had mentioned earlier that David Fincher is currently working on completing his feature film Mank. So it’s very likely that if season 3 were to happen then the shoot will begin after the release of Mank. Probably 2021.
Season 2 required 8 months to shoot, so we can assume a similar time frame for season 3. So 2022 will be the earliest when we will get to enjoy the episodes of season 3.

Will the cast return
As of now the crew members are relieved from their contracts. If season 3 were to happen the David Fincher will have to reunite the whole cast. But he will have to consider their new schedule and projects they will be busy into.

Let’s hope that Mindhunter season 3 arrives, although late.