Good News! Baby on the Way! Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria are expecting their 5th child after five months of heartache

Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria Baldwin are pregnant with their fifth child. Hilaria announced the news through an Instagram post this Wednesday. The couple already has four children-three boys, Rafael Thomas Baldwin (4), Leonardo Angel Charles (3) and Romeo Alejandro David Baldwin (1); and one daughter, Carmen Gabriela Baldwin (6).

The mother of four took to Instagram on Wednesday to share her unborn baby’s heartbeat. Hilaria shared a video of the baby’s heartbeat.

Hilaria recently had a miscarriage so in the post she went on to say that she would try to be calm and peaceful throughout the pregnancy period. Regarding her previous miscarriage, health and wellness experts said that the baby didn’t have a heartbeat.

After discovering about her miscarriage, Hilaria posted a family picture with all her kids on Instagram. The captioned read that there was no heartbeat at the scan, “so it’s over”. But then, she moved on and wrote that she has some pretty strong and amazing heartbeats right there.

But now again, Hialaria’s spirits are all high. And she seems hopeful, happy and healthy. She posted a picture of herself on Instagram with a very humorous caption, “When you’ve had so many babies, 6 minutes pregnant = looking like 6 months pregnant.”