Fans Are Talking About Annie And Her Toxic Attraction Towards Unavailable Men In Good Girls Season 3! Check out for more details.

It seems like Annie’s growing obsession with unavailable men in the comedy-drama Good Girls is making fans frown and cringe a bit. However, there is this one part of the story that is making fans wonder and are even talking about it on Twitter.

Fans Are Talking About Annie’s Relationship With Unavailable Men In Good Girls Season 3!

Annie surely seems to have an issue with men who are emotionally not quite reliable despite that she is always trying to find her way back to these men. These lists include kissing her married ex-husband to dramatically wanting to be with her therapist.

Good Girls season 3 has returned after a rather long break and is ready to tickle our funny bones, while the action has kick-started Annie is also circling back to her old patterns of being with unavailable men who only end up causing issues for her.

The Show Has Taken A New Dramatic Turn With Annie’s Attraction Towards Her Therapist!

Things have been spiraling to such an extent that Annie is trying to get Josh all worked up about sex after discovering about his own sex life with his girlfriend, which is pretty much sums to nothing. While Josh seems to be ignoring and denying any of Annie’s advances, it is not something that Annie is able to wrap her head around.

After watching this episode, fans could not help but took to social media and talked about this cringe behavior on Annie’s part. Fans are constantly talking about this toxic trait in Annie of ruining other relationships as well. How she time and again gets attracted to men who are clearly not interested in her! Well, let’s see what happens next!