World seems very beautiful until nobody expose the dark side of it. The trending ITV’s drama series Des reveals such dark side of a human being. It is based on real life notorious serial killer, Dennis Nilsen. Des is a British three-part television drama series. There is only one season which contains only 3 episodes. The role of Dennis Nilsen was portrayed by David Tennant.

Overall the drama is very worth watching and was aired on 14 September – 16 September, 2020. But what more interesting is why this serial killer deserves a whole drama series describing his killing.
Who was Dennis Nilsen?
Born on 23rd November, 1945, Scotland, Nilsen did multiple jobs from British army’s cook to a bodyguard. Finally after so much shifting interests in his carrier he settled at a job centre. This was the phase where he led murders.

The series of murders
Nilsen was actively murdering people in 1970s and early 1980s. He has killed around 15 men. He always targeted men who were either homeless or homosexual. To proceed with his murders, Nilsen would become friends with his prays in pubs and bars and then tack then to his flat. It is believed that Nilsen was so cruel that he would do sex acts on his victim’s corpses or sit with their bodies before dismembering their body.
How was he caught and for how long he was in prison?
It was in 1983 when a drain was clogged due to human remains, when a plumber was called to clear the drain he alerted the police. Detective chief Peter Jay (Daniel Mays in the drama) discovered the remains of victims murdered by Nilsen. Six of Nilsen’s victims were never identified.
Nilsen was sentenced for life and died at the age of 72 in 2018 after suffering ruptured aneurysm. It is said that he even denied the treatment for his illness.