Demon Slayer is an anime television series that is based on the best selling manga Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. The story is centered around a young boy Tanjirō Kamado whose family is slaughtered by demons and his sister is turned into a half-demon. He turns into a demon slayer and looks for a cure for his sister.
The series has circulated 40 million copies including digital versions and is seemed to be one of the best anime and manga series of the decade. It has also many awards in its lifetime. The manga series gained much of its popularity because of its anime adaptation. The viewers of the anime shifted to reading the manga series.
Accolades and Awards
The anime has won numerous awards in the 2019 Newtype Anime Awards, The 2019 Animedia Character Awards, and won Anime of the Year at Crunchyroll Anime Awards. Monsters and Critics stated that the anime adaptation has great animation quality and the battle scenes which flow along integrate perfectly with the digital effects. The fans do think that the story has difficult pacing but the transition between slow moments and action makes it amazing.
The first season of Demon Slayer aired on April 6, 2019, and ended on September 28, 2019. Soon after the twenty-sixth episode was released, the anime film Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train was announced to be released in January 2020.
The movie follows the aftermath of the “Infinite Train” plotline from the manga series. The movie will be appropriate for the fans to quench their enthusiasm and perfect to pass their time in waiting for season two of the anime.
When is Season 2 coming?
Seeing the sudden and huge popularity of the anime, the English dub for the anime was premiered on Adult Swim’s anime channel Toonami on 13th October 2019, at 1:30 am. Season two is expected to come around 2022, taking into account the studio’s jam-packed schedule.