The animated comedy-drama, Bojack Horseman which is one of the best-reviewed defining series of Netflix, is anticipated to mark its end after season 6. The creator of Bojack Horseman cleared out that the decision to end the show was way far from his own.
Season 6 was expected to stream in two halves, the first half of which started speeding on the track from 25 October 2019 while the second half is yet to be released or speeding up by January 2020. Bojack Horseman is one of the very first Netflix animated comedy originals debuted in 2014.
Expectations to hit massive popularity and admiration was very low when it was first premiered. When it comes to its latest news, fans are disappointed with the decision made so early. It provided an interesting platform for the audience to watch something unusual yet inspiring based on its content which focuses on presenting the actual truth of life humorously, which was very much appreciated.
Even the creator along with his team was expecting the show to go on for some more couple of years as said by Raphael Bob Waksberg (creator) in one of his interviews with The Vulture. He also, added that he was thankful to Netflix that they at least informed a lot prior before declaring the show to end thereby making it easy for them to wrap up to an appropriate conclusion and he doesn’t really have any feeling of resentment or grudges for the streaming king Netflix as he clearly understands the service’s own business tactics that need to be kept on track yet he’s amazed for being able to come so far with the show.
Period of 6 years is a long span for any show to catch up, unlike the unlucky ones who do not even get a second chance to premiere season 2. At last, he appreciates Netflix for keeping the trust, support throughout and giving enough time for the audience to fall for the show.
When Waksberg was asked about his future plans to return with any sort of movies or any other form, he ruled out the question answering he doesn’t really have any proper plans to return back in the world of such stories for now.
Although we cannot be sure about Waksberg’s return with such innovative ideas surely we can hope that maybe Netflix decides to change its decision over ending the show after season 6 becomes an inescapable and good review flood its way out.