Apart From Racist Allegations, Jeffrey Star Is Facing Severe Accusations Of Sexual Assault As Well! Check it out.

It seems like popular social influencer Jeffrey Star has managed to land in some major controversy this time. While the influencer has time and again made headline for being in some controversy or the other, this time it seems pretty severe.


Jeffrey Star Has Been Accused Of Something Severe And This Might Have Tarnished His Image Even Further!

Apparently, some internet sources have managed to do a bit of digging and discovered some controversial tweets and video clips that might be hinting at the influencer committing sexual assault!

The video is from the Vans Warped Tour and dates back to 2009, in the video, Jeffrey Star seems to be walking up to a guy and touching him inappropriately. Moreover, as the influencer walks away he makes a rather provocative statement about the man’s crotch and now fans are backlashing the makeup star on social media.

The Social Influencer Has Been Tagged As A Racist By Fans As Well!


Moreover, apart from allegations of sexual assault, he has been accused of being severely racist and has even used the N-word. No matter how many times Jeffrey seems to have apologized, his reputation is pretty much tarnished at this point. The makeup artist/influencer has also faced a severe lawsuit from Black Moon Cosmetics due to some copyright issues.

The social media influencer has time and again tried to apologize for all the earlier mistakes, but now it is  costing him his followers at this point. With the old allegations resurfacing,  fans are penning down backlash posts for the makeup star and his collaboration with Dawson is also seem to be backfiring as well. Recently, Dawson was called out by Jada Pinkett Smith for his racist remarks!