Alex Trebek from Jeopardy is living his last few days that are left: pancreatic cancer is slowly killing him from inside. Read for more details.

Alex Trebek revealed in March that he has been suffering from pancreatic cancer. And at that time he was in the fourth stage of the disease. The brave man has been fighting from the disease since a long time. Alex shared about his experience of the chemotherapy sessions and about what all he has been going through due to the cancer. He told a reporter that he was getting sores in his mouth due to the chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy is useful in the treatment of cancer but it has some side effects too. These side effects are affecting his life on a very serious note. Alex even said that he could hear the voice of his own vocal slurring words in the quiz show. However, he said that he’ll continue doing the quiz show as long as he could. He disclosed this on an interview of an award show.

Alex’s quiz show has completed more than 8000 episodes of it and he has got a million of fans in these days. When the reporter asked Alex that what would he do after his retirement then he answered that he’ll drink. While Alex opened up about his battle with cancer he said that he does so to encourage the other people to think positively in life.

However, in the last times of his life he said that he’s not at all afraid to die. He is of 79 years and lived a very decent life. Saying this he realized that he has reached the end of his full life. And it’s gonna finish very soon. He even has a message for today’s youngsters. He suggested the youngsters to live their life passionately without any fear. And to fight for ourselves and our lives till our very last breath. This was indeed a very inspiring and a true message.