YouTuber Nikita Dragun and Michael Yerger once a couple were unhappier than they were seen to be. ‘I hired a boyfriend for a day’ was the first video she made with him.
Their relationship was different from how the video showed. She called him her support to her and confessed her love to him. Complicated how her boyfriend never posted pictures of them together, he had something else to say about it, called the account as not being meant for the same. On the other side, Nikita posted enough about the two. She was throttled with a picture that Michael posted a picture with another girl. That girl turned out to be his real girlfriend.
What was Michael’s say on that?
He revealed how the two met over business purposes. Nikita wanted to be in his life only for her videos. He called all their quarrels as peaceful. Being used for her videos, he wasn’t sure if they were in a real relationship, but only business work. He had the pressure of the work the two were made to do as per Nikita’s request. He never called his bonding with her as nothing more than a normal friendly thing.

He red-handed caught Nikita as offensive and using him for her work. He couldn’t leave her for her career, he was seen in many videos of Nikita and wasn’t happy at leaving her like that also, to ensure her fans didn’t feel anything missing in their videos together. Nikita never had a feeling of love for him, he only felt a formal relationship with her.
He expressed his respect for ladies and hence, didn’t want to leave anyone and disappoint them. since their relationship was nothing more than a business relation, he didn’t want to share any picture of the two as Nikita never had the king of love for her. When Nikita requested him to continue, he decided to leave her. Although he knew he had hurt her, he called it balanced as he was cheated on too by Nikita.