“Black Lives Matter,” Hollywood Celebrities Condemns the Murder of George Flyod, and Protest Again the Racial Crimes against Black Community

The recent video which got leaked about George Floyd and how he was treated by the police, has left the whole world angry and led to violent protests. 

The video is so heartbreaking to watch and seeing such ill-treatment to people by the people we call our saviors- officers, has left everyone in a deep shock. What happened to him should not have happened. He was so unconscious when he was treated like that, he even mentioned he is not able to breathe.

George Floyd, who was 46 years old, died on the spot after he was arrested by some police officers outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  It was revealed in a Footage that a white officer has pinned him down on the floor and has placed his knee over his chest for over 8 minutes, due to which he started feeling suffocated and even mentioned he cannot breathe, but the officer did not pay attention to that. After his sudden death, there have been several protests happening all over the world against the government and police’s brutality and against racism in specific. Everyone has left the lockdown, and came on the streets to protest for him. 

 Everyone around the world is feeling devastated about what happened to him? it was revealed by the sources and the medical reports, that he died because of asphyxia due to neck and back compression by the officer.  

Several Hollywood celebrities  came forward and took a stand against racism and police brutality. His death is not unnoticed by a single celebrity, everyone around wants justice to be served to him.

Not only through social media, but some famous Hollywood stars such as Jonah Hill, Ellen Pompeo, and few others came to streets to support the protests and demand justice for George Floyd.

And those who could not join used their social media accounts to voice out their concerns and support the whole world in the protests that are happening!

  1. Kendall Jenner


2. Adele


3. Nicki Minaj


4. Justin Bieber


5. Mylie Cyrus


6. Kylie Jenner


7. Harry Styles
