Alert! Google Forms are NOT that Safe and are Soft Targets of Cybercriminals. To Stay Alert, Read Below

Blind trusting a human is worst but trusting blindly on internet facilities is far worst. Now a day cybercriminals are attacking to steal saved passwords on google forms. Researchers have already found that how cyber criminals are stealing passwords. They have also gave some safety measures to protect are data from them.

Google forms is the soft side for cybercriminals

Well, as we know everyone trust google and all of it domains. However, cybercriminals mostly attack on passwords which are saved on google forms. Nearly, 265 google forms are already targeted by cybercriminals. This claim is done by the researchers at Zimperium. The claim is based on a publication of 3rd November.

Why do people use Google forms when it is a soft target of cybercriminals?

Google forms are very user friendly and easy to handle. Most importantly, they are easy to fill. In fact, people also consider Google forms safe because it is under Google’s domain name.

Courtesy: Unsplash

How can we protect ourselves form this cybercrime?

First of all, any forms which include bugs always include some alerts and signals which ensure that it is not authentic or safe. If anyone who keeps knowledge of cybercrimes then he or she is safe. But beginners have to stay alert.

Secondly, Google forms always have a warning which says not to enter passwords at any cost. Moreover, sites may provoke you to fill the password but then you have to avoid it anyhow. Always avoid typing your account details and passwords.

Third and the last, while filling a form always ensure its authenticity under its domain.

Above all, Google is very big company. It is trying hard to avoid such scams. For more details you can also search for various awareness campaigns.