Computer Vision Market: A Topic of Interest that One Would Want to Master. Check Out What You Can Learn as a Novice

Tesla once developed a computer vision program in order to regulate the no of deaths caused due to road accidents. For which, he created a device that would check for any hard, soft obstacle or any other vehicle at a radius of about 250m around the installed vehicle.

However, for beginners, this task can be a bit tough to achieve and needs another sort of a task. This article deals with 10 such tasks that a beginner can take-up

  • Counting the no of passers-by

Usually, in a busy place or places where a restricted number of entries are allowed, it’s not manually possible or convenient to keep a count for which requires a technology to do the same.

  • Count the no of vehicles passing by.

Same applies to vehicles that need to be regulated in certain numbers up to capacity.

  • Figuring out the borders
Picture: data flair

With the variation in brightness, a device can be used to figure out the borders or let say an art piece.

  • Colour detection

This can mainly be used in CC TV cameras to spot the invisible colours or for detecting pictures.

  • Face detection
Picture: data flair

Using the algorithm and matching the face features using the information stored in the databases and matching it with pictures, one can identify faces.

  • Used in VR

By segmenting the palm and fingers, one can determine the hand gestures of an individual and be implemented to use in Virtual Reality games.

  • Image segmenting

Similar to segmenting the palm and fingers to identify the hand gestures, images can be segmented as well in order to examine the parts and put them to use.

  • Identify and segregate images

With the image segmenting, they can then be used for identifying classes with the help of labelled images.

  • Transformation of colour type

From black and white, the images can be made coloured and are practically used in televisions. 

  • Object tracking

An extension of object tracking is that of vehicles tracking. This process involves detection of the said object from the background and understanding the algorithm of its movement from previously and predicting the next move.