‘A Quiet Place Part II’ is a horror movie directed by John Krasinski. It is the sequel of the film A Quiet Place. The story follows the concept of some deadly events. The Abbott family is now facing some of the threats and fighting for their survival.
A Quiet Place Part II is to be released in March 2020, but now it has been postponed to a later date. The date is not yet revealed by Paramount Pictures, it maybe in late 2020 or in 2021.
Why the release is postponed? What has happened?
The studio, Paramount Pictures has confirmed about the delay of release due to the outbreak of coronavirus. They had told that in the light of the ongoing conditions relating to coronavirus and restrictions on the public gatherings, the release of A Quiet Place Part II will be shifted. They will bring this film to the audience once the situation is under control and has a complete understanding to the impact of this pandemic.
The director John Krasinski has also released a statement saying,
‘To all our A Quiet Place fans,
One of the things I’m most proud of is that people have said our movie is one you have to see all together. Well due to the ever- changing circumstances of what’s going on in the world around us, now is clearly not the right time to do that. As insanely excited as we are for all of you to see this movie … I’m gonna wait to release the film til we CAN all see it together! So here’s to our group movie date! See you soon! #AQuietPlacePart2… Take2’
Many other movies like Mulan, Fast and Furious 9 have also been delayed for release due to coronavirus. The cases of coronavirus globally are increasing reportedly day by day.