The Rising of the Shield Hero is a Japanese anime directed and produced by Takao Abo and Kinema Citrus respectively. It is based on the light novel series of the same name by Aneko Yusagi. It is an adventurous dark fantasy series. The series has also been adopted for further new seasons. Let’s find out all the details below.
The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 and 3 Confirmation: Release Date
Season 2 confirmed in production!
But wait, there’s more….Season 3 is confirmed to be in production.
— The Rising of the Shield Hero (@ShieldHeroEN) September 1, 2019
The Rising of the Shield Hero was originally premiered on January 9, 2019 on AT-X, Tokyo MX, TVA, KBS, SUN, TVZ and BS11. Until now it has released only one season with 25 episodes. The series has been adopted for renewal and the same was announced during the 2019 Crunchyroll Expo. Later on the news was also confirmed via a tweet which stated that the anime has been renewed for two more seasons.
No official date for released has been announced yet. But it is believed that the anime will arise no sooner than the year 2021. It was announced in the Expo that the second and third season is in production.
First Look and Plotline of The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2
At the expo Crunchyroll not only announced about the renewal of the series but also gave a first look teaser to its audiences. In the picture of teaser it is seen that Naofumi and his team is standing on the top of a mountain and looking at a town which is carried by a turtle on it back. So they will all encounter other unknown adventures in the new town.
The second season will be picked up right where the finale of the first season ended. In the second season more information on the mysterious town and the turtle will be known. All of them will be tested with also new enemies appearing to tackle with.