Philadelphia getting soaked in music mood as ‘Made in America’ is back on its ground. What is being done to avoid street inconveniences? Find out!


Philadelphia is all set for this year’s Made in America, the music festival. Founded by Jay Z in the year 2012, is back on its ground of Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The dates of the event have been set for August 31 (Saturday) and September 1 (Sunday), 2019. The gates will be opened for the event at noon and will be closed at 11:30 for both the days. The performances will start at 1:00 p.m.Though the music festival is one of the awaited ones, indifferent to other festivals, this one too results in public inconvenience causing problems in parking, public transportation and a lot more. Hence, to help the citizens only concentrate on Made in America and not on any other source of distraction, notices have bee issued by the officials which points to closures of individual streets and restrictions in parking spaces near the location. The restrictions are put from August 25 and will continue till September 1. The SEPTA ( Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority) Customer Service will work extra shifts over the weekend so ease public transportation problems. Dennis Wilson, the Philadelphia Police Deputy Commissioner, stated that officers would patrol the eve ground in both, uniform and casual. Adding to it, he further noted that the fence jumpers and underage drinkers are a significant issue that will be taken care of by the police. The following is a shortened list covering a few of the restrictions called on by the state-

  • Two lanes of Eakins Oval in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
  •  Spring Garden Street, between Pennsylvania Avenue and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.
  • Inner lanes of Benjamin Franklin Parkway, between 20th Street and the Eakins Oval.
  • 22nd Street, between Pennsylvania Avenue and Park Towne Place.
  • The entire Benjamin Franklin Parkway road will be closed.
  • The road behind the Philadelphia Museum of Art be will be closed.
  • 21st Street will not be allowed for parking.
  •  Parking is prohibited at Spring Garden Street.

The streets will be back on their track from the morning of September 3 itself.