Young People Breaking off with OLD Partners and Starting NEW Relationships!!! The Pandemic has Screwed them all…

So nowadays there have been endless zoom calls. Also, mask-wearing has become too much dutiful. Imani Bryant is a 21-year-old senior at Howard University. she calls studying at Howard University “a pretty robust social life. “Her hobbies are eating lunch with friends. She also shares stories and laughs at them. Bryant said, “spent most of my time in the student center.”

He is a student of political science and she says, “I spent most of my time in the student center.”The rituals have been roasted by the pandemic. Bryant spends most of his time in isolation. But she is all the time before her computer screen. She had a one-year relationship but the public health crisis has affected it.

Bryant and her girlfriend always talked about how they could safely spend time in this pandemic. But that always ended in an argument. The couple is not at all in a loving relationship. According to them each time they meet they will infect each other and their households. Though they live in the same city, their quality face time is very much rare.

So there is no way for them to continue their relationships. They even did not try to do things that people can do during covid. There was no way for them to cuddle and hug each other. They never gained access even to the most basic forms of intimacy. So the new hallmarks are dating and navigating new relationships.

Also, there is always the burden of being in a high school or college. Every piece of public health advice suggests keeping six feet away from others. This is the reason why relationships are at a stake. Friendships are equally at stake. Students are unable to launch parties. School dances are at a stake. Even that casual form of interaction between friends is missing.