Mike Tyson, aged 54 years has had a successful career at boxing at his young age. Father to 8 children (some blood related and some adopted) he is a proud American. His social service has been as appreciated as his professional career.
A life filled with controversies regarding rape allegations, drug misuse, etc is some to name out of all. His life has been filled with ups and downs with many critical views on his career and some with appreciation. He is appreciated for his work at adopting kids and giving a new life to the homeless.
People know him for a variety of reasons. We all know these celebrities for the success that they have been achieving in their career, or in this case, any social service done in the past. however, we forget that they have a personal life too. Despite the allegations that he has been facing in his career, his personal life has been none the less the same. Filled with miseries, he finds solace in the small things that he gets.
What was the tragedy that he hasn’t forgotten to date?
The boxer has had tragedies that he is emotional about. The biggest of all has been his loss of his daughter. In a tragic accident, his daughter had succumbed to the injuries and left the family forever. Not once since that event occurred did he not recall that moment and not cry.
The loss of his daughter, as predictable is the biggest loss he’s ever had. Over 10 years since the incident happened, he hasn’t left any moment to remember her and to get emotional about it. Many interviews that he has been to concern his achievements and when his kids are talked about, he never leaves the opportunity to remember his gone daughter.