Greece Boat Disaster: Shocking Tracking Discrepancy Reveals Alarming Truth About Migrant Safety.

Greece Boat Disaster: Tracking Discrepancy

A boat carrying migrants capsized off the coast of Greece, raising concerns about the accuracy of the tracking data used to monitor such vessels.

The Disaster

The boat, carrying over 100 people, capsized off the coast of the island of Samos in the eastern Aegean Sea. The Greek coast guard was alerted to the situation and were able to rescue 60 people from the water. However, at least 10 people were confirmed dead and an unknown number of people are still missing. The incident raises questions about the safety of the journey and the efficacy of tracking such vessels.

The Tracking System

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) developed a tracking system called Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) that is used to monitor vessels carrying migrants. The system requires all vessels over 300 gross tons to provide their identity and position information every six hours. This data is then shared with the relevant authorities in the countries where the vessel is registered and those where it may be headed.

The Discrepancy

The IMO tracking system is intended to help prevent migrant boats from getting lost at sea and to coordinate rescue efforts when necessary. However, the system is not fool-proof and is reliant on all vessels transmitting their location data accurately and in a timely manner. In this instance, it appears that the position data provided by the vessel did not accurately reflect its true location. Some experts have speculated that the vessel may have intentionally provided inaccurate data in order to avoid detection.


The discrepancy in the tracking system used to monitor the capsized boat has raised concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the LRIT system. The safety of migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas is a pressing humanitarian concern, and the accuracy of tracking systems is critical in preventing the loss of life.

The Need for Improved Tracking

The incident underscores the need for improvements in tracking systems and suggests the need for more comprehensive and reliable tracking mechanisms. Some experts believe that the use of radar and satellite imaging technologies could provide more accurate and reliable tracking of vessels carrying migrants.

Addressing the Root Causes of Migration

In addition to technical solutions, addressing the root causes of migration is necessary to ensure greater safety for migrants. This includes addressing issues such as political instability, poverty, and conflict in regions where migrants originate.

Coordinated Efforts

The safe and humane management of migratory flows is a shared responsibility that requires coordinated efforts between countries and regions. International cooperation is necessary to address issues related to migration, including the accuracy and reliability of tracking systems.

The Way Forward

While the reality of migrant deaths at sea is not a new phenomenon, the tragedy of the capsized boat off the coast of Samos underscores the urgency of addressing the issue of migration in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. By improving tracking mechanisms and addressing the root causes of migration, we can work towards ensuring greater safety and security for all migrants.


Q: What is the LRIT system?

A: The Long-Range Identification and Tracking system is a mechanism developed by the International Maritime Organization to monitor the location of vessels at sea.

Q: Why is the tracking of migrant boats important?

A: Accurate tracking of migrant boats is important for the safety of migrants and for coordination of rescue efforts when necessary.

Q: What can be done to improve tracking mechanisms?

A: Experts suggest the use of radar and satellite imaging technologies for more accurate and reliable tracking of vessels carrying migrants.

Q: What are some of the root causes of migration?

A: Poverty, political instability, and conflict are among the root causes of migration from many regions where migrants originate.

Q: What is the role of international cooperation in addressing migration?

A: International cooperation is necessary to address issues related to migration, including the accuracy and reliability of tracking systems and addressing the root causes of migration.