The Neighbourhood: Brandon Fried was fired for groping María Zardoya, but was it enough?

Brandon Fried tried groping Maria Zardoya

Brandon Fried is the drummer at The Neighbourhood and has been receiving allegations of groping. As a result, he is fired for now for behaving such a way. The buzz started from 14th November, when Zardoya took to her Instagram and posted a story about an unbearable incident happened with her while she was enjoying her personal space at the bar.

Maria Zardoya
(Photo by Timothy Hiatt/WireImage)

Her story read: “I was at a bar last night, and I was groped under the table by Brandon Fried. It was one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever experienced. I felt an invasion of my space, privacy, and body.” Taking it forward, Zardoya even tagged The Neighbourhood’s Instagram account, asking for a replacement.

Brandon Fried apologizes to all the women 

“Action has its reaction.” In response to that Fried also shared a story in which he clearly accepts his fault and apologized sincerely. He accepts the fact that under the alcohol influence he did such kind of thing. He apologized all the women and the fans for disappointing them.

Brandon Fried
Credit: Chelsea Lauren/WireImage

Even the apology from the drummer couldn’t save him and he instantly got fired. A statement from The Neighbourhood got posted on twitter. It said that they were grateful to Maria for coming forward and they have absolute zero tolerance for any kind of inappropriate behavior toward women.