Parents are getting concerned about their children’s education of Welsh language in Cardiff. Here is everything you need to know.

Homeschooling is facing challenges because of Coronavirus as this concerns languages we don’t usually speak. Here is everything you need to know about.

If we talk about Cardiff, about 63% of students in Welsh-medium schools come from homes where no Welsh is spoken. And because of this unfortunate situation created by Coronavirus, people are concerned about their children’s study, especially with the Welsh language skills will suffer.

Parents concern regarding the education of Welsh language

One mother living in Cardiff has shown her concern regarding the education of Welsh. She is also learning Welsh but feels she is not educated enough to help her two young sons in their school homework.

“I can help the boys in English only and I am quite worried that they’ll fail in Welsh language skills if compare with other kids who are having a session on Welsh at their homes.”

The steps were taken by schools and few other people to keep educating students the Welsh language An assistance headteacher of Ysgol Gyfun Bro Edem in Cardiff said, “We can understand the concerns raised by parents as vast majorly of them are uneducated with the Welsh language.”

“That is why they decided to educate their kids through Welsh medium, but who was knowing that one day their child would be educated in Welsh from their kitchen and lounge, due to a pandemic lockdown.”

She added saying, “The school management had tried to provide tasks as straightforward as possible, even have shared few links and activities to say in touch with the Welsh language.”

Few Welsh-speaking parents and others are coming forward to help mothers like Debbie. They all are trying to create new and exciting content so that kids can have fun at their homes, as well as do their schoolwork in Welsh.

They are creating content in the Welsh language including a YouTube channel in the Welsh language where classes are provided every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Other than this, there is an entertaining cartoon creation in Welsh, videos on healthy in Welsh, etc.