NASA and ESA have Joined Hands to Create a New Space Module Facilitating Astronaut Landing on Moon

A new partnership is built that will make a module that can land astronauts on the Moon. Then NASA will be using it for upcoming lunar mission under Artemis Spaceflight program. This mission is scheduled to take place in 2024. It will mark the lunar surface of earth for the first time since NASA’s Apollo 17 mission which took place 50 years ago. This mission will take place as a part of Artemis program. To ensure the success of this mission NASA has enlisted help of its partners. These partners will handle carious aspects of the mission.

European Space Agency also known as ESA is one of the agencies working with NASA

According to the European Space Agency, the NASA module has shown that the agency is capable to contribute a lot to the Artemis program. Currently David Parker is the director of ESA and he has confirmed about this project. The contract has been finalized for this Airbus module. This services module will be used as the landing vehicle to get the astronauts to the moon.

Why this mission is so important for human kind?

The module by ESA represents contribution allowing the scientific research, development of key technologies and international cooperation. This mission will expand humankind’s presence beyond lowest orbit of earth. This Airbus for development will be composed of more than 20,000 parts. This capsule will also cover the safety operation and will also have its own solar panels with whole life supporting systems. It is also ensures that the capsule have its own fuel tank, engines and other electrical components to have a safe and comfortable journey to the Moon.

Once this project is completed ESA Module will be mounted on NASA spacecraft. Hopefully this whole project would be successful.