Kamala Harris: The First Asian-American that Rose to Prominence in USA against the Odds

Congratulations are in order as America is all set to welcome its new President and Vice- President. Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won this year’s presidential elections.

People Rejoice As Kamala Harris Is Going To Be The First Female Vice- President.

Joe Biden has won by an impressive number and Kamala Harris has also managed to create history as being the first female Vice- President in America. This is indeed a historic moment for all the women in the world and Harris is going to make sure that no voice goes unheard.

This win is indeed phenomenal as Harris is going to be the first female, first black, and first South – Asian vice- president this creating history. Kamala Harris is going to be the inspiration for many and will be opening doors for many women in line. This year’s win is indeed iconic and phenomenal in so many ways and will about a change in the society.

Harris Is Going To Be A Role Model With This Historic Win

Kamala Harris is overwhelmed and has recently shared a short video of her congratulation Joe Biden on their big win. She delivered an encouraging speech saying that while she is the first woman as Vice President, she will certainly not be the last!  Here’s the Twitter video as the whole world celebrates her big win as she goes on to become the first female vice- president.

Harris has went on record and talked about women empowerment, employment, tax issues and more. With her big win, she has created nothing but history and will go on to become an inspiration for young girls to take on more powerful roles in the world.