Boris Johnson deliberately misled parliament about lockdown parties: UK lawmakers recommend harsh punishment

Boris Johnson Deliberately Misled Parliament: UK Lawmakers Conclude After Year-Long Investigation

A year-long investigation by the UK Parliament Privileges Committee into Boris Johnson’s conduct has concluded that he repeatedly and deliberately misled Parliament in relation to various COVID-19 lockdown flouting parties. The damning report recommends the harshest punishment possible, a 90-day suspension from Parliament and withdrawal of a pass that gives Boris access to Westminster. Lawmakers from Johnson’s Conservative Party comprised the majority of the membership of this committee. The Parliament will debate the report and its findings and decide on the course of action to follow.


The Privileges Committee of the UK Parliament has accused Boris Johnson of deliberately misleading Parliament. The committee asserted that the former prime minister persistently failed to tell the truth relating to COVID-19 lockdown flouting parties in Downing Street. Johnson was recommended a 90-day suspension and withdrawal of his pass granting access to Westminster.

Background of the Report

The Investigation

The House of Commons Privileges Committee spent 14 months investigating Boris Johnson’s behavior in relation to the “partygate” scandal. The studies involve various COVID-19 lockdown-flouting parties held in Downing Street.

The Accusation

The committee concluded that Boris Johnson had repeatedly lied to Parliament about breaching COVID-19 lockdown measures. Further, the report details the disingenuous and deliberate manner in which Johnson misled fellow lawmakers on numerous occasions. Moreover, the report accused Johnson of focusing on misinformation and disregarding the truth.


Recommendation of Harsh Punishment

The report of the Privileges Committee recommends a 90-day suspension from Parliament for Boris Johnson, had he still been a member. The recommendation of the toughest punishment envisaged is a reflection of the enormity of the transgressions under consideration. The punishment would have been enough to trigger Johnson’s removal from Parliament.

Former Prime Minister Criticized the Committee Investigating Him

Boris Johnson criticized the committee that was investigating him, both in and out of Parliament. Such intimidating behavior amounts to contempt for the Parliament and its functions.

Complicit in Campaign against Committee Members

The report states that Boris Johnson was complicit in a campaign of attempted intimidation and abuse aimed at the committee. This behavior amounts to an attack on democratic institutions, and it further reflects the former Prime Minister’s disregard for authorities.

Johnson Describes the Report as a Lie and Charade whilst Criticizing the Committee Members

Boris Johnson described the report as a lie and charade, further criticizing the committee members for campaigning against him with malicious intent. Such accusations only further undermine democratic institutions and highlight Johnson’s disdain for these institutions.

Implications for Boris Johnson

Potential Removal from Parliament

Boris Johnson may face the ignominy of being removed from Parliament as a result of his conduct. The committee’s recommendation of a 90-day suspension, combined with already reigning public mistrust, may have a significant impact on Johnson’s reputation.

Impact on Johnson’s Political Legacy

Boris Johnson’s political legacy is now heavily scrutinized following the publication of these damning reports. These reports may mark the end of the former prime minister’s political career or reduce him to a political footnote.


In summary, the report of the Privileges Committee is a devastating blow to Boris Johnson’s credibility. The conduct and findings of the investigation, combined with Johnson’s combative and reckless attitude, will make it challenging for him to continue in politics. It remains to be seen what the future holds for Boris Johnson and whether his political antics may have permanently derailed his career.


What Did the Report Accuse Boris Johnson Of?

The report accused Boris Johnson of repeatedly lying to Parliament about various COVID-19 lockdown flouting parties.

What Was the Recommended Punishment?

The recommended punishment was a 90-day suspension from Parliament and withdrawal of his Westminster pass.

What Has Been Boris Johnson’s Response to the Report?

Boris Johnson has described the report as a lie, charade, and maliciously intended. He also criticized the committee investigating him for complicity and campaign against him.

What Will Happen Next?

The Parliament will debate the report and its findings, and the way forward will then be determined.

What Will Be the Impact on Boris Johnson’s Future?

The report of the Privileges Committee may have far-reaching implications for Boris Johnson’s future, especially his political career.