Apink’s Jung Eunji Coming Up in New Thriller Drama
Apink’s Jung Eunji soon to be seen with Ha Seok Jin in the new thriller drama and would also appear at 2PM’s Taecyeon.
Fans of Eunji now get a new series to binge on. Recently on March 8, Apink’s celebrity agency of IST entertainment confirmed to the fans that Jung Eunji working on a new drama series ‘Blind’.
In January of this year, Taecyeon of 2Pm, Ha Seokjin, and Eunji may work together in the new thriller series. After which both the actors were confirmed to get added to the cast of Blind series.

in the series Eunji take up the role of a social worker with the character name of Jo Eun Ki. Her character would be of a young girl with an open-mind worker who helps children in tough situations. However, she herself faced and overcame many difficulties and is now helping society by giving back what she has learned.
About the series
The series Blind follows the theme of a mystery thriller where there would be several characters. They somehow become part of an unfair game and fall to become a victim who never faces the truth. The series follows the story of detectives, law school students, lawyers, and jurors. And in which we see the great cast of Eunji, Seokjin, and Taecyeon.

Directed by Shin Yong Hwi, the same director of Faith, Vice 4, and Bel Ami, he joined with Kwon Ki Kyung, who serves as a writer, previously worked on Andante.
The series scheduled to release in the later months of this year. However, the exact date has not been released. So fans will have to wait a little longer to bring the series on their television.