ASUS: Delay BIOS Update Gamers and Know Why You Should Do It Before It’s Too Late!

ASUS: Delay BIOS Update Gamers


ASUS has given its users a piece of bad news as it has suggested that gamers delay updating their BIOSes to ensure compatibility with future AMD and Intel processors. BIOS updates supply essential optimisations, bug fixes and security enhancements to your computer. However, new reports suggest that updating the BIOS might lead to stability issues and even rendering users’ devices unusable. Here’s everything you need to know about ASUS’ suggestion to delay BIOS updates.

The advice:

For those who aren’t familiar, the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is a firmware interface on a computer. It involves powering up your PC, and acting as a mediator between the computer’s hardware and software. Updating your BIOS is typically a good idea, as it can bring bug fixes, stability improvements, and various other optimisations. However, ASUS has noted that the stability issues caused by recent BIOS updates affect users’ experience, causing crashes and other problems with gaming PC rigs.

Why are BIOS updates important?

Updating the BIOS, or Basic Input/Output System, software that maintains hardware compatibility between an operating system and components, is a vital task in running a stable system. BIOS updates allow hardware to interact correctly with new operating systems and ensure the best user experience.

The downside of updating:

ASUS’ new line of warnings is an attempt to protect its users from stability issues that might appear after incorrect BIOS updates. Some users may have noticed stability issues following recent BIOS updates, which went on to cause issues when playing games on a PC rig.

The solution:

ASUS has recommended that its users delay updating their BIOSes now. The company took to Twitter to explain that users shouldn’t update their BIOSes if they don’t need to. ASUS claimed that the instability issues caused by recent BIOS updates might affect users’ experiences and might cause crashes and problems with gaming PC rigs.

When Should You Update Your BIOS?What to Consider Before Updating?Real Reason for BIOS Update?
If you need to fix a specific issue–like “no boot” or “no boot device found” errors at startupDo proper research, understand the version changes, update logs, and bugs reports before updating the BIOS.Identify hardware components and check if there is any running conflict.
To update compatibility for new components, such as processors, storage and moreTake a backup of current BIOS settings.Provide essential optimisations, bug fixes and security enhancements.
To patch known vulnerabilities in the current firmwareConsider updating the BIOS if the system is stable and running without any issues.Ensure the best user experience by interacting correctly with new operating systems.


ASUS’ recommendation to delay BIOS updates is a cautionary measure to prevent crashes and other stability issues that might cause users’ devices to render useless. While BIOS updates are necessary, it is vital to weigh the benefits against the risks. Before attempting any BIOS update, it is essential to do enough research, familiarize yourself with the updates to avoid any adverse consequences.


1. Is it essential to update the BIOS on my PC?

Yes, it is. BIOS updates bring bug fixes, stability improvements, and various other optimisations. However, it is necessary to weigh the benefits against the risks before attempting BIOS updates.

2. What is the role of the BIOS in a computer system?

BIOS is responsible for powering up your PC and acting as a mediator between the computer’s hardware and software. In other words, it ensures hardware compatibility between an operating system and the components.

3. What happens if I go ahead with a BIOS update?

While BIOS updates can bring bug fixes, stability improvements, and various other optimisations, it may cause instability issues. If not done correctly, BIOS updates can cause crashes and other problems with gaming PC rigs.

4. Is it necessary to perform a BIOS update for better gaming performance?

If there are stability issues related to gaming performance, it is necessary to update the BIOS. However, make sure to do enough research, familiarise with the updates, and weigh the benefits against the risks before attempting BIOS updates.

5. How do I perform a BIOS update correctly?

Do enough research, familiarise yourself with the updates, and weigh the benefits against the risks before attempting BIOS updates. Take a backup of the current BIOS settings before updating the BIOS, identify hardware components, and check if there is any running conflict.