What is CoronaVirus? What is it’s origin? How can you keep yourself safe? Read this to know more about it

An outbreak regarding a respiratory virus emerged from Wuhan, China. The virus is named coronavirus and has spread from China to various other countries.

It is reported that the respiratory disorder caused by coronavirus has killed around 132 patients and nearly 6000 people are being affected by it. The China Health Authorities have reported that the virus spread through a market selling live animals like seafood, insects, and poultry animals.

The virus is spreading from China to other countries like Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, and the U.S. All the transportation from Wuhan and other affected regions have been dismissed by the Chinese officials.

Festivals, tourist attractions, theatres, and markets have been shut down. The airlines are putting a halt to China. Federal Health officials have advised everyone to avoid traveling to China especially to the affected areas unless it is urgent.

Despite several tests and investigations, there are few things that are still unknown. Questions like- ‘How the virus got transmitted?’ and ‘How is it causing such severe illness causing the death of patients?’

Why Coronavirus is named so?

The virus is named so because of its membrane structure. The membrane of the virus resembles the corona of the sun. The WHO (World Health Organisation) declined to consider it as a global health emergency outbreak.

Is the Virus dangerous?

Coronavirus is reported to cause acute respiratory disease like common cold to chronic illness like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, also known as SARS. The researchers and doctors investigating the case said that the information is changing rapidly. There are several facts that are still needed to be studied and looked after.

What are the Preventive measures?

The virus is reported to spread through coughing and sneezing. Therefore, it is advised to always wear a mask while traveling outside. It is also advised to wash your hands and maintain good hygiene. Avoid getting in contact with people who are sick. Especially from those who are suffering from respiratory illness.