An integral part of India, Kashmir: All about Article 370. Should be revoked or not?

The article 370 of the Indian Constitution dispense certain special powers to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The article provides temporary autonomous status to the state. It was a result of Kashmir’s accession to India after independence. The Kashmiri population, majorly Muslim, was apprehensive and blanched about its identity getting lost in a Hindu dominated country. Also, there was increasing pressure from the radical Islamic groups to give autonomy to the government of Jammu & Kashmir. To address this issue, the government gave a special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir under this article. The article underwent many transformations since its genesis in 1947.

BJP’s election manifesto – Revoke Article 370.

The ruling party made revoking Article 370 part of the party’s 2019 election agenda – and it won a landslide victory earlier this year. It has argued that Article 370 has prevented the region’s development and its integration with India. Kashmir issue has always been the center of attention between India and Pakistan since independence. The issue is so severe that it is being undertaken by the United Nations as well. So, to settle growing tumult and reassure the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir, this article was put in place.

Should be revoked or not?

Those who are in support of this article see it as a tool to safeguard their desires and culture of the Kashmiri people that is majorly Muslim. While those who are against this law see it as a tool of pacification. According to them, it gives the Muslim majority a unique ground to snub the voices of minorities such as Kashmiri Pandits and Ladhakies.

In the end, there is a need to come to a solution to this problem. The article 370 is diluted enough, and its obvious repeal will only make matters worse as the constitution of J&K states that it is an integral part of the Union of India. Also, there is no harm in giving greater autonomy to the state government. Hence any decision must be taken only by the consent of all the stakeholders.