What Is the Future of Vaping?

Few industries are barreling forward quite as quickly as vaping, so much so that it can even be challenging to predict where it’s all heading. 

Since its introduction back in 2003, vaping technology has evolved rapidly, but if we set our sights a little further into the future, what might we see in the vaping world? 

More Advanced Technology    

Vaping has come a long way in a relatively short period, but this is just the start. Exciting technological advancements are appearing on the horizon, with features like internet connectivity and Bluetooth already in use, albeit at a relatively early stage. 

Other features such as voice-activation vaping, new nicotine technologies, even better coils, and vastly superior batteries are not too far ahead, and we could see them emerge as soon as the end of the year. Keep your eyes on manufacturers like RELX Vape for the newest technological breakthroughs.  

Better for the Environment  

Environmental concern is rightly front and center these days, and the vaping industry will also need to make some changes if it’s to become truly sustainable. 

Lithium, the battery for most vaping devices, causes environmental problems at extraction sites, battery production, and waste processing centers. People usually improperly throw out disposable cigarettes with lithium batteries in the trash rather than recycling them as e-waste.

The vaping industry has been developing greener and more sustainable materials for some time, and it seems likely that within a couple of years, we’ll be using far more environmentally friendly vapes that will significantly cut down on waste. 

Home Grown Flavors   

With all the trade, tariffs, and pricing issues, we expect to see a surge in home-grown flavors and smaller retailers selling them. 

It’s also likely that we’ll see greater customization available regarding flavors and for vape shops to increase their practice of allowing customers to try before they buy. 

As demand increases, it will be more and more common to see artisanal sellers selling small batches of highly-customized flavors that more prominent suppliers probably won’t cover. 

Extended Regulations    

One of the downsides for the vaping industry that is likely to happen in the future is an increase in governmental regulations worldwide. 

While vaping in the UK is somewhat encouraged as a healthier alternative to traditional smoking, the United States has already implemented several laws that severely limit the sales and production of vaping technology. 

In 2020, the FDA rejected 55,000 Premarket Tobacco Applications (PMTAs), setting the stage for increased regulation across the country. All over the world governments are implementing different variations that they hope will curb the practice of vaping, often on the back of far from water-tight evidence or increased pressure from the tobacco industry. 

The future of vaping is bright in several ways, but make no mistake about it: a major battle lies ahead. 


Vaping has developed at a break-neck speed since the early 2000s, but we lie on the cusp of an exciting new generation that could once again wholly transform how we vape. More advanced technology and greener materials will be just the start, but the question of where governmental regulations lie will be what either makes or breaks the vaping industry.