Dave Portnoy’s Sex Tape Partner Sydney Raines Comes Forward

Dave Portnoy’s sex tape accomplice Sydney Raines is standing up. Barstool Sports originator Dave Portnoy has earned enough to pay the rent covering competitors’ individual lives, and incidentally, since he’s just about as well known as the competitors he covers, he’s the one under the magnifying instrument. Portnoy’s most recent piece of dramatization includes a sex tape spilling on the net.

Portnoy immediately responded to the vid hitting the net.


The lady in Barstool Sports head Dave Portnoy’s sex tape has been uncovered as Instagram model Sydney Raines.

It turns out his partner was Instagram model Sydney Raines.

In the video, Portnoy can be seen fairly vivaciously yanking Raines’ neck around by the rope.

“Some probably won’t support of the video content however it was totally consensual and it’s awful that it is not, at this point private,” Raines composed on Instagram, “yet [Portnoy and I] are still companions with no enmity between us.”

Dave Portnoy’s Sex Tape Partner Sydney Raines Comes Forward

She added, “I will not mark this a misstep since we have both assumed liability for it.”

Raines implied that she expected there to be repercussions for whoever was liable for the hole by adding, “However the way that it was spilled and posted without our mindfulness or assent would be viewed as the genuine mix-up.”

She said that she presently plans to “proceed with my everyday existence without vexation” and marked the note, “Without any expressions of remorse, Syd.”

Portnoy additionally tended to the video after stocks in the organization that claims Barstool, Penn National Gaming, endured a shot as the video hit the web.

El Presidente reacted with a video on Twitter saying, “A stock is down on the grounds that someone has consensual sex? Is it accurate to say that you are f–ruler messing with me?”

He even asked his adherents to purchase Penn’s offers while the cost was lower.

“I would hop on this plunge and I would f–k it,” he said. “No play on words proposed.”

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