Westworld to return for season 4 – Reality or Rumour?
One of HBO’s most popular science fiction series is Westworld. We’ve seen the show’s namesake Western park collapse, the android “hosts” who occupy it escape into the wider world, and even the overthrow of an AI supercomputer that was determining the fate of the Earth’s human population over the course of three seasons.
Westworld is one of those series that has to reinvent itself every season, making it difficult to predict what will happen next. We’ve long since moved on from the android theme park for the wealthy that served as the show’s first two seasons, making it more difficult than ever to forecast where Westworld will go next.

Season 3 of the programme ended on a few major cliff-hangers, including Rehoboam’s destruction and Dolores’ apparent death (Evan Rachel Wood). Meanwhile, a replica of Dolores’ personality that had been implanted into Charlotte’s (Tessa Thompson) host body was assembling an army of new hosts, with a robotic version of the Man in Black as one of her most dangerous weapons (Ed Harris).
The actual Man in Black was killed by his impostor in the season’s final moments. To top it all, Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) seems to have discovered a method to reach the digital hideout where the rest of the Westworld hosts had fled through the Door in season 2.
Season 4 has been a long time coming, with so much to speculate about. Season 3 premiered in 2020, which feels like another lifetime ago. So, when will Season 4 be released?
When will the fourth season of Westworld premiere?

It’s been almost two years since Westworld season 3 aired, which is roughly the average time between seasons for the show. While the precise premiere date for Westworld season 4 has yet to be revealed, HBO programming chief Casey Bloys has stated that the show will return in 2022.
Since then, we haven’t heard anything about Westworld season 4, but there has been another huge piece of HBO programming news that may provide some light on the show’s premiere date. HBO has announced that House of the Dragon, the Game of Thrones spinoff, will premiere on August 21. Sunday is also the night that Westworld usually airs.
As a result, it’s possible that Westworld will premiere before House of the Dragon, giving the platform a solid several months of programming without its biggest shows clashing. Early seasons were never broadcast at the same time as Game of Thrones, probably because both shows were popular enough for HBO to justify the time difference.

Alternatively, Westworld’s premiere might coincide with the premiere of House of the Dragon, with the final few episodes of season 4 running on the same night as the first few episodes of House of the Dragon to help launch the successor series.
In the end, we won’t know for sure until HBO makes an official statement. However, given that House of the Dragon has a release date and is set to air after Westworld season 4, the chances of us hearing from HBO about the air date shortly are quite good. We’ll keep an eye out.
Seasons 1-3 are currently available to watch on HBO Max.