Young Wrestler and Terrace house star Hana Kimura Tragic Death Raising Serious Concern About Cyberbullying!

Under some mysterious turn of events, sports star Hana Kimura, who is a young professional wrestler and a cast member in the popular Netflix reality show “Terrace House” has died at the young age of twenty-two! However, this sudden death has taken a rather controversial turn! Let us take a look at all the details Given below.

Young Wrestler Hana Kimura Has Passed Away At A Young Age Of 22! Here’s What We Know.

Before the tragic death, Kimura shared some troubling social media posts hinting that she was constantly cyberbullied. The wrestling star has also shared a cryptic picture on her Instagram post with a heartbreaking caption that read GoodBye.

This sudden death has taken away a prized young talent who had a lot to.offer to the world. She was too young to have to face such a tragic end and death has raised concerns amongst fans and celebs alike.

She Was A Victim Of Constant Cyber Bullying. Fans Are Shocked.

People are constantly talking about the ill effects of cyberbullying on an individual ’s mental health which can lead to some drastic and life-threatening decisions. He’s breaking news of the death was first announced by Stardom, a pro-wrestling organization that Kimura was associated with. The organization issued a Twitter post and apologized to the celeb as the cruel world didn’t deserve her and she could not find her peace.

The young celeb has also shared some posts on Twitter which was both heartbreaking and was a real eye opener. She wrote about her not wanting to be a human and just looking out for love. She seemed depressed and was a victim of cyberbullying which is pretty common these days.