Unlikely Bond: Princess Anne Surprises the World with Fondness for Meghan Markle

Princess Anne’s Unlikely Bond: A Surprising Connection with Meghan Markle

Princess Anne, known for her stoic demeanor, has surprised many for her unexpected bond with Meghan Markle. Despite being reserved in social situations and not previously embracing younger royal wives, Princess Anne seemed to genuinely appreciate spending time with Meghan.

A Surprising Relationship

Body language expert Judi James analyzed their interactions and observed moments where the two women genuinely appeared happy in each other’s company.

Princess Anne – The Hardest-Working Royal

Princess Anne is known as the hardest-working royal, carrying out over 200 engagements per year.

Not a History of Close Relationships

Princess Anne has no real history of befriending younger royal wives, making her unexpected bond with Meghan all the more surprising.

A Fan of Stoicism

Anne is a fan of stoicism, making a bond with a Hollywood actress and fashion icon like Meghan Markle an unlikely connection.

Genuine Pleasure

Despite this, the body language expert noted that Princess Anne had a rounded-cheek, eye-narrowed smile that suggested genuine pleasure when spending time with Meghan.

A Bridge Between Two Worlds

Meghan’s passion for her causes, eloquence, and shared sense of humor bridged the gap between the two women.

Genuine Connections

Their past interactions showcased a blend of politeness and an intimate sharing of fun, suggesting a genuine connection between them.

Not Alone

While Meghan and Harry have distanced themselves from the royal family, they have maintained relationships with select royals, including Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice.

A Chance for Healing

The unexpected bond between Meghan and Princess Anne sheds light on the possibility of healing within the family, as Harry and Meghan’s visits to the UK for important events indicate.


In conclusion, the unlikely bond between Princess Anne and Meghan Markle serves as a powerful reminder that genuine connections can form even in the most unlikely of circumstances. As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex continue on their independent path, the possibility of reconciliation and renewed relationships with the royal family remains on the horizon.


1. How did Princess Anne surprise many with her bond with Meghan Markle?

Despite maintaining a reserved presence in social situations and not previously embracing younger royal wives, Princess Anne was observed to genuinely appreciate spending time with Meghan.

2. How did Meghan bridge the gap between herself and Princess Anne?

Meghan’s passion for her causes, eloquence, and shared sense of humor bridged the gap between herself and Princess Anne.

3. Who are some select royals that Meghan and Harry have maintained relationships with despite distancing themselves from the royal family?

Meghan and Harry have maintained relationships with select royals, including Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice.

4. What does the unexpected bond between Princess Anne and Meghan Markle suggest about the possibility of healing within the royal family?

The unexpected bond between Princess Anne and Meghan Markle sheds light on the possibility of healing within the family as Harry and Meghan’s visits to the UK for important events indicate.

5. What does the unlikely bond between Princess Anne and Meghan Markle serve as a reminder of?

The unlikely bond serves as a powerful reminder that genuine connections can form even in the most unlikely of circumstances.