Uncovering the Dark Side of Social Influence in Black Mirror’s ‘Joan’s Awfulness’: A Revealing Analysis

‘Black Mirror’ is a popular science fiction anthology series that explores the dark and often dystopian possibilities of technology and society. One of the standout episodes of the show is ‘Joan’s awfulness’, which delves into the idea of people being rated based on their social interactions and behaviors. In this article, we’ll explore the episode in-depth, analyzing its themes, characters, and how it relates to our own society.’

Black Mirror’s ‘Joan’s Awfulness’: An In-Depth Analysis


Black Mirror is known for its dark and thought-provoking stories, and the episode ‘Joan’s awfulness’ is no exception. This episode explores the concept of being rated based on social interactions, similar to our current social media culture where users are judged based on likes, follows, and comments. This article will analyze the various themes and perspectives throughout the episode, shedding light on its significance and relevance to our current society.

The Plot

The episode follows Joan, a successful businesswoman who is obsessed with her social ranking, which is determined by the ratings she receives from people she interacts with. The episode begins with her being fired and losing ranking after an interaction with a rude employee. She then goes to her niece’s birthday party, where her interactions with fellow guests are monitored through “eye-contacts,” which allow people to rate each other based on their interactions.

The Theme of Social Influence

One of the most prominent themes throughout the episode is the idea of social influence and how it affects our behavior. The constant need to be liked and accepted can be seen in Joan’s obsession with her social ranking, as well as her desire to impress others. Throughout the episode, we see how people are judged based on their social interactions and behavior, and how this can lead to a toxic and superficial social culture.

The Dark Side of Social Media

The idea of being rated based on social interactions is not too far from our current social media culture, which similarly judges users on likes, comments, and follows. This aspect of the episode shines a light on the downsides of social media, highlighting how it can create a toxic environment where people are judged based on superficial traits and actions, rather than their true character.

The Characters

The characters in ‘Joan’s awfulness’ are complex and well-developed, with each playing a significant role in the story. Joan is the protagonist of the episode, and her obsession with her social ranking is a driving force behind the plot. We also see a range of other characters, from the rude employee who causes Joan’s downfall to the guests at her niece’s birthday party.

The Significance of the Episode

Overall, ‘Joan’s awfulness’ is a standout episode of Black Mirror, which explores the dark possibilities of our current social culture. Through its insightful themes and well-developed characters, the episode sheds light on the often-toxic nature of social influence and its impact on our behavior and society.


Black Mirror’s ‘Joan’s awfulness’ is a thought-provoking episode that explores the dark side of social influence. Through its insightful themes and well-developed characters, the episode sheds light on the often-toxic nature of our current social culture and the impact it has on our behavior and society.


How can we avoid the toxic nature of social media?

One way to avoid the toxicity of social media is to prioritize real-life interactions and relationships. While social media can be a great way to connect with others, it’s important to remember that it’s not a substitute for in-person interactions and genuine relationships.

Do you think ‘Joan’s awfulness’ accurately reflects our current society?

Yes, I believe the episode accurately reflects aspects of our current society, particularly the obsession with social status and the toxic nature of social media.

What other themes and messages are present in the episode?

Other themes and messages present in ‘Joan’s awfulness’ include the dangers of blindly following social norms and the importance of being true to oneself.

What can we learn from the characters in the episode?

We can learn about the dangers of prioritizing social status over genuine relationships and personal values. We can also learn about the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness.

What can we do to change the negative aspects of our current social culture?

We can start by being mindful of our own behavior and interactions online and in real life. We can also work to create a culture that values authenticity and genuine relationships over social status and superficiality.