The exquisite and rememberable tribute to childhood hero Fred Roger through a magnificent piece of art: “a beautiful day in the neighborhood.”
Mister Rogers, aka Fred McFeely Rogers, was an American television personality, musician, puppeteer, writer, producer. He was the creator and host of the preschool television series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood which ran from 1968 to 2001. He reformed the television for toddlers, and his show focused on setting the positive vibes for the world. He acclaimed several honors that were a presidential medal of freedom(2002), Emmy award, tca lifetime achievement award, and many others.
The movie is based on a true interview of mister rogers by tom Junod” “Can You Say … Hero?
The movie is a source of gentleness, benevolence, and diligence that is generous qualities of mister rogers. The interviewer Lloyd Vogels played by Matthew Rhys, is fiction like a character who does have the essence of positivism in his life. The journey of the movie deals with the anguish that Vogels carries in him. He has a happy family, a caring wife, a newborn baby, and a national magazine award, but still, he is perplexed and disgusted. The reason for his anguish is his father and his estranged relationship. Interviewing Rogers changes his perspective on life.

the director Marielle heller has cultured his subject’s image very squarely. Film drift very smoothly with the aroma of enlightenment of the audience. It leaves the mark and impression of rogers as the savior in the true color. tom hanks who is the sixth cousin of rogers have justified the character with his competent acting