This Halloween Spook Everyone With A Sexy Mister Roger That’s Got Twitter In Hysterics!

We live in an unusual time in pop culture. There are so many events taking place that you can never foresee. Take, for example, Area 51 storming that happened this weekend. And these eventually find their way in meme culture.

One such icon of the television industry is everybody’s favorite neighbor, Mr. Rogers. He was the beloved host of PBS show Mister Rogers’ Neighbourhood. It was a show for children that teaches them ethical values.

Even though Fred Rogers died in 2003 of stomach cancer, his legacy lives on. He is considered somewhat of a modern-day saint along with beloved animal activist Steve Irwin. In this day and age of cancel culture where our heroes are turning into criminals one by one, we desperately need these saints. If only their memory to remember, goodness and kindness do exist in the world.

And so it is no wonder that a new Halloween costume has disturbed everyone if you have ever thought about being a sexy Mr. Rogers for Halloween, congratulations! Your strange wish can now be fulfilled. The costume consists of a cropped red sweater, detachable collar with a black tie and high waisted grey shorts. Complete with muppets, you can get it online at Yandy for $59.99.

This weird take on the beloved host has left many feelings confused. The foremost being, Who even asked? And honestly, same.

The design also went viral on Twitter, and everyone had something to say about it. Some got irked by the disrespect shown to the legend while others simply found it too funny. Either way, it sure is a bizarre idea.

Many users tweeted back, funnily, “Who said Mr. Rogers wasn’t sexy already?”

What do you guys think? Is the Halloween costume taking it a bit too far? Or is it just a hilarious take on a beloved figure? Leave your thoughts down below!