One-Punch Man is a Japanese superhero webcomic created by artist One. It is an adaption of Manga illustrated by Yusuke Murata. The storyline revolves around Saitama, a superhero who has a capability of defeating any opponent with a single punch who is searching for a worthy opponent after being bored by a lack of challenge in the fight against the evil.
The first season of the show premiered on 4th December 2015 followed by the second season in 2019.The first season was a superhit and the second season started with a different directorial team which led to a four-year gap between the two seasons. The fans are now hoping that the third season will be directed by Shingo Natsume and the old team and get back the momentum it lost with the release of its second season.
The official Twitter account of ‘One-Punch Man’ recently tweeted about the homecoming of the third season. Although there has been no news regarding the official release date for the upcoming season, it is expected to be released in late 2020 or early 2021.
The makers of the show have not yet confirmed the plot of the third season, but one thing for sure is that the upcoming season will be full of action with the usual humour. There is a little hint that the upcoming season will be focusing more on Garou as compared to the other characters of the show. We’ll get to see a few suppliers and limiters to Saitama’s powers.
As of now, no official trailer has been released for the upcoming season. It will be interesting to see the third season which is expected to be a super fascinating array of some amazing episodes.
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