The Animation Series ‘Attack on Titans’ is Returning with its Fourth & Final Season

An adaptation of the manga of the first season of Attack on Titan, Hisume Isayama, arrived in 2013, and it was accepted that it was one of the popular series.  The show features an acclaimed modern anime.  Now, Attack on Titans will present its season 4.

The series became extremely popular not only in Japan but also in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. It has been praised for its story, animation, music, and voice acting.

The first season premiered on 7 April 2013, and the next season was released four years later on 1 April 2017. The fourth season of the fantasy drama which might be the final season is expected to release in 2020.

The season three ended with an attack on Titan which led to an investigation of Eren’s famous cyclonic basement for a really long duration, revealing the dark history and the truths about the world and the Titans. The Attack on Titan Season 4 will take its audience deep into the history and forces of the Titans. The most important question about Attack on Titan season 4 is that a lot of manga information should be allowed to show that every important story is finished before the end of the series.


It is expected that Yaki Kazi will give his voice to Aren Yezer. Other leading actors such as Yui Ishikawa will play the role of Misaka Ackerman and Marina Inoue will play the role of Armin Arrtert.

The third season’s episodes were divided into two parts. So, season four is expected to follow the same pattern. Season four will have a total of 20 episodes divided into two parts of ten episodes each.


The audience from Japan will get to see the show on Japan’s NHK General TV Network, meanwhile, others will be able to watch the show on Crunchyroll soon after it airs in Japan.

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