‘The 100’ is a post apocalyptic science fiction TV series that premiered on The CW. This series is somewhere based on the novel by Kass Morgan with the same name. The series is about a group of criminals who returned to the Earth after a disastrous nuclear apocalypse.
Till now, they have already released their six seasons. Now, the wait is for the release of Season 7 with some new twists and turns.
When Season 7 will release?
The CW Network has confirmed about the premiere of Season 7 in April 2019, when Season 6 came out. The official confirmation of the date has not yet announced by the makers. We can expect the release by mid or late 2020.
Cast and Characters: Who all can be seen in the next season?
Talking about the cast of Season 7, we will again see the main leads playing their respective roles. Eliza Taylor as Clarke Griffin, Paige Turco as Abby Griffin, Thomas McDonell as Finn Collins, Marie Avgeropoulos as Octavia Blake, Bob Morley as Bellamy Blake and many other characters will be seen.
We can also expect entry of some new characters and faces in Season 7.
What can happen in Season 7?
The Season 7 will continue from the story where Season 6 has ended. It is expected that Season 7 will also consists of 16 episodes. No trailer is released to say about the happenings of this season.
Jason Rothenberg said that it could be the final of this series. He also added, ‘That uncover is clearly unbelievable’. Also, we can’t say what has happened to Octavia. Although she is dead but we can see her again, anything could be possible. For more information regarding this season we need to wait a little bit more.
We will update about the further information soon.