Tech Billionaire Elon Musk Has Made A Recent Upgrade In His Neuralink Venture! Check out the pig with a chip in its brain.

Tech genius and billionaire Elon Musk has been making headlines for yet another mind-boggling invention of his and this is pretty innovative and is already creating a buzz around.

Elon Musk Has Been Making Impressive Progress In His Neuralink Venture!

The tech wizard has used a pig called Gertrude and inserted a coin-sized computer chip in her brain to exhibit his next big plans to create a working brain-to-machine interface.

Musk has described it as a Fitbit for the brain along with tiny wires. The entire big venture titled Neuralink will hugely benefit people who suffer from neurological conditions to control various electronic devices with their minds. The Neuralink project has been going through various experiments and upgradations before it is completely ready for worldwide use. Have a look at this small teaser that makes us aware of the Neuralink concept via social media.

A Pig Named Gertrude Has Been Used For The Recent Experimentation.

Elon Musk has further explained how this chip is so powerful that it can be instrumental in curing dementia, spinal cord injuries along with Parkinson’s disease as well. Moreover, Elon Musk also talks about what he called the superhuman cognition. Musk further added that the Neuralink chip that was introduced almost a year ago, has been made all the more smaller and more simplified as well.

While the cone pet was introduced back in 2017, the tech genius has been inviting skilled scientist to work on it. He has talked about it via his Twitter account as well . This latest experiment is also part of that search as well.  Musk has been trying hard to make this ambitious project touch new heights with more advancements on the way.