Sia Shocks Fans with Autism Diagnosis Two Years After Controversial Music Film

Sia Reveals Autism Diagnosis Two Years After Criticisms for “Music”

Australian singer Sia has recently revealed her autism diagnosis during an appearance on Rob Has a Podcast with “Survivor” finalist Carolyn Wiger. This came two years after facing criticisms for her depiction of autism in her 2020 movie “Music.” The singer disclosed that it was only in the past two years that she started to feel fully herself, after struggling to “put on her human suit” for the last 45 years. Sia disclosed that nobody could ever know and love her when she was filled with secrets and living in shame, urging others to embrace their neuroatypicality.

Sia’s Revelation

Rob Has a Podcast Appearance

Sia appeared on Rob Has a Podcast with “Survivor” finalist Carolyn Wiger to express her admiration and a cash prize of $100,000 to help with her financial struggles. During that time, Sia disclosed that she is on the autism spectrum. The singer did not indicate when she was diagnosed with the neurodevelopmental disorder, but implied that it was recent.

Sia’s Diagnosis and Recovery

Sia divulged that she is now on the autism spectrum and that she is in recovery. The singer gave a lot of detail about her mental, physical, and emotional recovery, as well as the importance of revealing dark secrets. She emphasized the significance of seeking help, disclosing secrets, and finding love.

Reflections on Carolyn Wiger

Sia compared herself and Wiger, stating that the latter didn’t have to “put on her human suit” and embraced her true self, warts and all. The singer commended Wiger for being the “weird one” and finding inspiration in people who dare to be different. She gushed over Wiger as “the kook in me recognizes the kook in you.”

Sia’s Controversy

Musical Flim “Music”

In the past, Sia’s debut film “Music” generated controversies because of its portrayal of autism. Sia received criticisms for casting a neurotypical actress, Maddie Ziegler, as a nonverbal autistic girl. The movie portrayed Ziegler being held in a prone restraint while experiencing sensory overstimulation, which received backlash from the autism community.

Apology and Update

After receiving criticism, Sia issued apologies on Twitter before deleting her account altogether. She also planned to remove threatening scenes from future printings and update her movie’s warning in the opening credits to include: “Music in no way condones or recommends the use of restraint on autistic people.” She added that there are many occupational therapists specializing in sensory processing therapy who can provide safe ways to help autistic people with meltdowns.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder with a wide range of symptoms characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication. It is called a spectrum because of the varying level of severity of symptoms in the people who have it. It usually appears in the first three years of life and affects boys more than girls.

Autistic Masking

Autistic masking, also known as camouflaging, is the act of suppressing autistic behaviors in order to fit in with neurotypical individuals consciously or unconsciously. As such, people with autism may appear normal and healthy, masking their autistic traits to blend and adapt to social situations.

Autism Diagnosis

The autism spectrum disorder can be detected in early childhood, but some individuals receive late diagnoses, like Sia. And since it is a spectrum, it comes in different forms and degrees with varying symptoms and severity. Individuals with autism can benefit from early diagnosis and treatment, as it can help them manage their symptoms while adapting to their neurodivergent environment.


Sia’s recent diagnosis of autism highlights the importance of self-discovery, acceptance, and seeking help. Autism affects many people in different degrees, and it’s essential to understand and recognize it as a neurodivergent condition requiring medical treatment. Society is becoming more supportive in helping people with autism adapt to their environment as acceptance and inclusion become more prioritized over exclusion and isolation.


What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. It is called a spectrum, meaning it comes in different forms and severity, affecting people’s behavior, social relationships, and communication.

How is Autism Diagnosed?

Diagnosing autism is partly based on the individual’s developmental history, current behavior, and intellectual ability. Diagnosis may involve cognitive and developmental testing, as well as interviews with caregivers, family members, and other medical professionals, to evaluate the person’s behavior and identify a pattern that points towards ASD.

How Common is Autism?

Autism affects about 1 in 54 children in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is a widespread developmental condition that is becoming more prevalent throughout the world.

What are the Symptoms of Autism?

Autism affects everyone differently with a range of symptoms and degrees of severity. Common symptoms include challenges in social interaction and communication, repetitive behaviors and interests, speech delays, and sensory sensitivities, and a range of physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms manifesting from person to person.

What are the Causes of Autism?

Autism’s exact cause is unknown, but research has found that genetics and environmental factors may play a role. Some risk factors include prematurity, low birth weight, pregnancy complications, and exposure to toxins and infections. Factors that are NOT related to autism include parenting style, vaccines, and diet.