SHOCKING!! “Take of your bra” at 15 was Nightmare for Kate Moss!! Made her flee the Shoot!!

Kate Moss, an icon of 90’s girl-power and supermodel extraordinaire was just 15 years old when she joined the lucrative world of fashion modeling.

Kate revealed some harsh facts about life as a model that most people don’t know: namely how many times you can be called “sick” before being taken seriously by your agent or lawyer, having no control over what photos are taken off set during photo shoots and not even knowing where they’ll end up published until after its done.

Kate Moss has finally spilled the beans on what happened when she was just 15. She claims that during one of her first shoots as a model, she was involved in a sexual assault that occurred while she was being photographed for a bra catalog. A male agent allegedly demanded that she remove her bra for him.


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Kate, who joined with the modeling agency Storm in 1988, stated to Lauren Laverne on the BBC Radio 4 programme “Desert Island Discs,” “I believe I was only 15 when he instructed me to remove my top. I removed my top since I was self-conscious about my appearance at the time. When he instructed me to remove my bra, I knew something wasn’t right, so I grabbed my belongings and fled the scene.” “It may have made my intuition more acute. I can see a bad guy from a mile away “She recalled the specifics of the lingerie shoot as she spoke.

Though the experience left her rattled, Kate believes it “sharpened” her senses and has improved her ability to “identify a bad ‘un from a mile away.”

The late photographer Corinne Day’s photoshoot for The Face magazine at the age of 16 launched the fashion icon’s career, but she acknowledged that it was also a “traumatic” experience.

She described how much she sobbed when taking the naked photos. “She [Corinne] would threaten to book you for Elle if you didn’t remove your top. It causes agony. She was my best friend and someone I loved, but she was also a complex individual. She got what she wanted, but the images are incredible. I had to suffer for them, but in the end, they were incredibly beneficial to me. According to The Guardian, she claimed, “They changed my career.

Two years later, Kate worked with Mark Wahlberg (then known as Marky Mark) for a Calvin Klein underwear shoot. She later revealed that she had taken Valium the night before the shoot to calm her fears about appearing topless because she felt “weak and afraid.”

“Completely,” she responded when asked if she felt objectified. And helpless and terrified. They may have taken advantage of my gullibility. Calvin admired how naive and young I was.

“He was really macho and it was all about him,” she continued about Mark.

In order to avoid any awkward situations, Kate started her own modeling agency in 2016. She also makes sure that all of her models are accompanied on photo shoots. Kate has also been giving advice to her daughter Lila, 19, who is following in her footsteps.

I told her that she was under no obligation to do anything that she didn’t want to. Don’t participate in the shoot if you don’t want to, if it makes you uncomfortable, or if you don’t want to model.


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Kate added that her daughter Lila Moss works in the fashion sector as well and that her experience enables her to provide the correct guidance to the 19-year-old. Kate is now a real estate agent. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, I told [Lila]. Don’t participate in the shoot if you don’t want to, if you don’t feel comfortable, or if you don’t want to be a model “She spoke. She continued by saying that she looks out for her models and makes sure that they always had an agent with them during a shoot so that someone might call attention to anything that wasn’t proper.